CIA Simpson’s Most Infamous Performance

CIA Simpson’s Most Infamous Performance

To those grown comfortable living with lies, deception, acknowledging the truth is to risk suffering a fatality perhaps worse than death. To discover the truth, one must first dare to cross the Rubicon of fear. But most dare not because once navigated, the very thought, realization of being unable to return, marooned and left to survive alone in an unfamiliar wilderness, remains inconceivable, too much to bear. It seems that for the unfortunate majority, letting down one’s defenses – ego, vanity – and sacrificing unquestioned faith in improbable beliefs, to stand apart, isolated from the madding crowd to accept absolute, unfettered truth appears too high of a price to pay.

Speaking of death, as undoubtedly most are aware, it was recently announced that, former legendary NFL star, journeyman Hollywood actor, Orenthal James Simpson has shuffled off this mortal coil, reportedly having succumbed to a long-term battle with cancer.

Buffalo Bills
1975: O.J. Simpson #32 of the Buffalo Bills looks on during an NFL game circa 1975. (Photo by Robert Riger/Getty Images)

But there’s much more the MSM left out concerning OJ Simpson which, shortly, in due course, will be further elaborated upon.

One couldn’t help but notice, while eulogizing the “Juice”, conveniently enough, undoubtedly by deliberate omission, the MSM failed to report that not only did Simpson become a professional actor even before he was drafted into the NFL, but that he was also employed as a covert CIA asset.

Furthermore, regarding Simpson’s most infamous acting performance during his staged trial simulation spectacle, the MSM fails to report the involvement of Carl Colby, son of former CIA director William Colby. Further investigation has confirmed that Carl Colby lived in Brentwood, Los Angeles, in proximity to “Nicole Brown Simpson”. In addition to this, more shall be shortly revealed about some of the other major participating principals in Simpson’s ‘trial’, regarding Los Angeles County prosecuting counsel “Marcia Clark”, Simpson’s defense attorney Robert Shapiro, Time/Warner and Henry Luce, all of whom, along with “OJ Simpson”, were contract assets utilized by the CIA in the execution of an antagonistically divisive, population destabilizing psychological operation.

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Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Certain individuals have a knack for remaining clandestine while simultaneously keeping a somewhat conspicuous public profile. A paradoxical scenario to be sure. To those among the general public, however, someone with the capability to execute such a deceptive trick would be considered tantamount to a magician. And yet again, such a feat may not too difficult for one in possession of great wealth, wealthy enough to gain some modicum of influential or even controlling interest in the MSM.

In addition, when one’s son is the ubiquitous cult of personality known as “Elon Musk”, chief executive of both Tesla, Space X and chief proprietor of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, it may be that much easier, after faking one’s death, for a “dead” man to conceal one’s genuine identity with an appropriated pseudonym attached to an alternate persona. If successful at employing such deceptive tactics, one could conceivably hide among the public arena while operating in plain view.


But why make the hypothesis that the man pictured in the image posted above may be “dead”?

Because it turns out that, upon more extensive investigation, “Errol Musk”, alleged to be the father of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) is a British royal in disguise, one who was recently alleged to have “died”. Though there isn’t much biographical information available on “Errol”, enough information remains extant to provide possible clues as to his true identity.

1.) Online biographies reveal that Errol’s mother was British, 2.) There exists a rather well-circulated, but dubious MSM promoted narrative which appears derived from a discarded B grade Hollywood action/thriller script treatment, the reported details of which allege “Errol Musk” fended off an attack from a gang of gun toting home invaders at his plush residence in South Africa.

Suspiciously, this particular widely circulated story is not only ridden with gematria coding, but the veracity of its narrative details – like most if not all such stories promoted by the MSM – crumble to utter dust under the weight of even the slightest scrutiny.

For example, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, this MSM promoted story claims that not only did “Errol” heroically emerge intact and alive, but he managed to gun down three of the seven alleged home invaders.

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Homeland Insecurity Directed by Hollywood

Homeland Insecurity Directed by Hollywood

Behind the facade, the lie contained in every media image, a deeper, darker truth remains hidden. Many of the personalities presented by the MSM and even the “alternative” media to the general public, especially regarding those occupying high-profile government positions, are not at all who they appear or claim to be.

Alejandro Mayorkas, current director of Homeland Security, which is merely a public relations front for CIA and the Jesuit Society of Jesus’s international intelligence octopus, claims to be the offspring of Cuban immigrants who escaped oppressive tyranny and came to the US for a better life. Mayorkas’s official biography reflects an all-too-familiar template which, through deeper investigation, has been observed time and again. This particular biographical template – of the Horatio Alger variety – not only smacks of propaganda, reflecting the shopworn and tattered myth of the “American Dream”, but of one belonging to and carefully crafted for a media generated fabricated character scheme portrayed by a well-known Hollywood actor.

This particular Hollywood actor – Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed – is a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation and has also been identified as the live-action role player in portrayal of, yet another high-profile MSM promoted figure, former Amazon chief “Jeff Bezos”, whose own official biography nearly mirrors that of the current but embattled Homeland Security director “Alejandro Mayorkas”. A telltale sign that the narrative of Bezos’s biography may have been merely tweaked or customized by Jesuit-controlled CIA intelligence handlers to fit certain storyline specifications designed for “Alejandro Mayorkas”.

“Mayorkas” is a Jesuit-trained intelligence asset, educated at Loyola Marymount University, a private research institution located in Playa Vista, California which was named after the legendary mercenary warrior reputed to have been the founder of the military-styled Jesuit order in control of Vatican City at Rome.

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Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale

Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale

The making of media myths oftentimes consists of a specific brand of storytelling.

Generally, the brand of narratives in which the MSM specializes – especially those meant for maximum exposure, saturation – have oftentimes been found to be modernized retellings of ancient Greek or Roman myths. In particular, such was found to be the case with the Titan submarine disaster alleged to have occurred back in June of 2023.

As most may recall, one’s investigation into the alleged demise of the Titan submersible and its five crew members demonstrated that the story presented to the public by the MSM not only possessed masonic symbolism, a human interest narrative element recycled from the Titanic hoax, and plot holes larger than a jet airline hangar, but that one of the alleged “victims” – Suleman Dawood – was a photo shopped/raked image of a young Hollywood actor – Jack Champion – associated with esteemed Hollywood director James Cameron who, it also turns out, is the live-action role player behind the portrayal of NASA JPL “rock and roll rocket scientist” Adam Steltzner.

SEE: MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

What better way could exist, therefore, to further solidify a modern retelling of an ancient occult myth in the collective consciousness of the general public, than to also cast one of Hollywood’s most iconic actors – one who was once known as the “late” Michael C. Rockefeller – in a starring role as one of the heroic “victims”?

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CIA’s ‘Mudd’ Goes Back to the Future

CIA’s ‘Mudd’ Goes Back to the Future

Within an investigative context, minute details are akin to clues hidden along jungled pathways culminating into ultimate revelation.

After studying the performance of the actor featured in the following video excerpt – alleged to be  “Phillip Mudd”, American media commentator and former counterterrorism official at both CIA and FBI – everyone will begin to surely notice similarities, in both tone and nuance(s) of voice as well as physical mannerisms, in common with a Hollywood/television actor who rose to stardom during the era of the 1980’s, one who is perhaps most famous for having been cast in the lead role of the Hollywood science fiction blockbuster ‘Back to the Future’.



During his interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “Mudd” – a surname which, gematria calculation informs, equals 21, 3 7’s, or 777 in English Ordinal Reverse Reduction, Alistair Crowley’s joker intelligence code – attempts to elaborately spin a ridiculous yarn concerning a car bombing which was alleged to have been carried out by a terrorist, a terrorist he claims to have later spoken with. This narrative represents a gross prevarication undoubtedly created by CIA’s intelligence handlers then delivered by “Mudd” while on air with a theatrical flourish of intense but feigned emotional hysteria. Furthermore, this dubious tale detailing an act of alleged “terrorism” was likely thoroughly concocted to not only bolster in the minds of the targeted audience demographics the utility and continued necessity for CIA and FBI’s domestic and global surveillance efforts to combat “terrorism” and to keep the general public “safe” from “terrorists”, but to justify further tax expenditures beneficial to annual budgetary expansions. Upon viewing the video posted immediately above several more times, it also becomes apparent through detailed ocular analysis that certain portions of the facial geometry belonging to “Phil Mudd” have been strategically modified with CGI layering/animation during CNN’s post-production phase.

What “Mudd” fails to reveal, however, is that the American general public are the genuine target of these alphabet lettered agency’s vast surveillance dragnet and are therefore regarded as potential “terrorists”.

As shall be further detailed later on, the confirmed identity of the Hollywood actor in portrayal of CIA/FBI counterterrorism official “Phillip Mudd” confirms several salient points.

One – that high profile Hollywood actors/celebrities are also well-trained intelligence assets and agents who are regularly contracted to perform under pseudonyms in the guise of high government officials to influence public opinion and perception and, through the effectiveness of their scripted public performances to elicit desired emotional responses in their targeted audiences, to justify greater tax expenditures allocated towards alphabet lettered US corporate government agencies acting under the aegis of and in concert with the Jesuit-controlled US military/industrial/Hollywood entertainment complex.

Two – in the case of former counterterrorism CIA/FBI official and MSM commentator “Phillip Mudd”, it becomes apparent his positive identification as a media-generated fabricated character scheme, portrayed by a strategically modified Hollywood actor, Michael J. Fox (666), legitimizes the premise that both CIA and FBI have historically utilized such modified character schemes for the purposes of plausible deniability regarding their various taxpayer funded psychological operations and, three, by virtue of placing such modified characters acting under pseudonyms who cannot be legally prosecuted in any court operating under Admiralty (AKA Roman/Maritime) Law before the public’s eye as “official” spokespersons, they are provided with an impenetrable shield against the possibility of legal scrutiny or worse, criminal prosecution.

But, given that “Alejandro Mayorkas”, the current chief of US Homeland Security, has also been identified as a fabricated character scheme, portrayed by another famous Hollywood actor – more on this will be revealed in another article, coming soon – there arrives an additional, and perhaps even more sinister, hypothetical premise to consider.

Namely, that the office of Homeland Security exists merely as a brass plated front or proxy for Jesuit-controlled CIA, created as a US corporate government funded bank depository from which CIA can clandestinely but legally funnel, in the way of double dipping, more tax dollars into its already bulging coffers both to sufficiently fund and to dramatically expand its domestic and globally connected surveillance and psychological operations.

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NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

NY Governor Hochul Full of Hokum

Politics is not only the practiced art of deception, but also merely theater, a staged production cast with actors, each portraying especially tailored roles, trained to regurgitate the ideologically oriented talking points scripted for them. It matters not for which candidate one casts their vote, because “freedom of choice” through the process of voting is merely a sham, an illusion.

Though a majority of US citizens may still lend credence to this illusion through the opportunity to cast votes in legally sanctioned “elections”, the candidates, all of whom, whether “democrat” or “republican”, are carefully vetted then selected by the upper ranks of the masonic brotherhood to represent the interests of the Crown Templar/Swiss/Vatican/banking cartels. The process of voter registration merely entails a citizen’s surrendering of legal consent, a legal forfeiture of individual sovereignty to the tyrannical will of collective corporate governance consisting of those “elected” to perform business as private law merchants. Washington’s District of Columbia (AKA United States/Virginia Company), a private masonic principality governed by Admiralty Law/UCC (Uniform Commercial Code), is a corporate subsidiary of the Crown Temple and its four Courts of Inn – Middle, Inner Temple, Grey’s and Lincoln’s Inn – residing in the City of London (AKA one square mile).

SEE: How Crown Temple Rules America (part I)

How Crown Temple rules America (part II)

How Crown Temple rules America (part III)

How Crown Temple Rules America (Part IV)

SEE also: Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor

DeSantis Deception Delves Much Deeper

The fifty states (crown estates) of America which fall under the legal governing jurisdiction of the United States (AKA Washington D.C./Virginia Company), including Alaska and Hawaii outside its contiguous boundaries, exist as commercial markets/banking districts which were created for the commercial exploitation of both human and natural resources. As explained in previous articles, the US constitution and all state (crown estate) constitutions are legal documents couched in the legal terms of private law enumerating citizen privileges which can be amended or even revoked at any time. While the subject of this article concerns the current “elected” governor of New York, “Kathy Hochul”, it is important to point out that all US states (crown estates), are represented by two governors. This duality of governance remains hidden in each state (estate) constitution, written in the terms of legalese as opposed to vernacular.

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There is a hidden governor for the de facto crown corporation – governor of ‘this’ state – and another – governor of ‘the’ state – which remains visible to the public. This duality of governance was codified in 1933 with the War Powers Act (UCC 2107) which is not only still in effect today but entailed that the publicly traded bonds (AKA birth certificates) of the people were henceforth to be put up as collateral against the debt owed to the Federal Reserve, a central banking subsidiary of the City of London’s Crown Temple. According to Title 50 USC (United States Code), 12 stat 319, since 1861, the US corporate government has been legally operating under a state of war. The Middle Temple of City of London’s Crown Temple uses the crown estate of New York as a primary base of operation and New York’s political machine is completely controlled by the York Rite of Freemasonry. Therefore, as “elected” governor of ‘the’ state of New York, the job of “Kathy Hochul” is largely ceremonial. Her designated role is to act as official spokesperson on behalf of the de facto crown corporation.

This is why Hollywood actors fill such positions while contracted to perform under pseudonyms.

After all, as everyone is surely well aware, actors are most accomplished at playing scripted roles, staying in character, and taking direction from an executive producer. Though actors cannot be held legally accountable since, within the context of the arena of politics, they are contracted to perform as private law merchants under false names attached to fabricated character schemes and, from a legal standpoint, technically don’t exist, they can, however, due to unsatisfactory performance, stand to take criticism from the public and then subsequently “voted” out of office. But this is the precise trick which is played upon the public to keep the status quo maintained in favor of the US corporation’s owners. Meanwhile, the legal but unlawful status quo remains intact, and the City of London’s Crown Temple, the US corporate government, and their criminal cartel remains sovereign, inviolable, and untouched.

As shall soon be revealed, the Hollywood actress identified in portrayal of New York governor “Kathy Hochul” is indeed an accomplished professional thespian who, most notably, starred in West Wing, a once popular television series.


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Dr. Jill’s Big Valleyed Dynasty of Lies

Dr. Jill’s Big Valleyed Dynasty of Lies

Oftentimes, what is readily visible to the human eye can also remain elusive, clandestine. When it comes to discerning the nature of reality, as presented to the public through television, computer/phone screens, it is this mingling of the seen and the unseen which remains an unsettling, even sinister, if not fascinating paradox.

However, when details of the myriad number of images, purported to be accurate portrayals of reality, flashed onscreen are scrutinized with a keen, coldly objective eye, the monochromatic truth concealed behind the facade of colorful lies can no longer remain obscured. It then becomes apparent that the deceitful nature of these well-designed images has been utilized to program, manufacture a preferred perception of simulated reality, created to serve ulterior agendas against the interests of their targeted audience, and which aim to manipulate then reshape both thought and behavior on a massive scale.

Since their inception, Hollywood and the MSM have remained the undisputed masters at maintaining this cruel deception. On this occasion, we shall primarily concern ourselves with the popular image which, for several years now, has been sold to the public as American presidential first lady “Doctor Jill Biden”.

Before becoming known as “Doctor Jill”, however, the result of extensive investigation indicates, she was an actress who began her public career in television and was known by another name. A name synonymous with ‘hit’ television shows such as the cowboy/western themed “Big Valley” during the 1960’s and, still later, during the 1980’s, with a starring role in “Dynasty”.

In the following video clip, this veteran television/Hollywood actress can be observed performing in the role of “Audra Barkley” in an episode of “Big Valley”, shot and aired in 1965.

Indeed, as shall be more fully revealed, American first lady “Doctor Jill Biden”, alleged to have been awarded an academic Ed.D., exists as a wholly created fabrication. But when the deceptive layers are peeled away, the actress who portrays her is revealed to be a doctor of deception, a perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

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MSM’s ‘Climate’ Propaganda up in Flame

MSM’s ‘Climate’ Propaganda up in Flame

The rumors of one’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

In fact, one’s investigation into the recent Hawaiin “wildfires”, alleged to have caused widespread destruction in Lahaina, located in Maui County, took much longer than was expected.

As everyone shall discover, one’s investigative results exist in sharp contrast with the consensus conclusions offered to the public by both the MSM and “alternative” media.

Concerning the MSM, their feeble attempts in using the Hawaiin “wildfires” to promote the “climate change” agenda frankly reflects acute desperation. On the other hand, as if behaving on auto-cue, those counted among the “alternative” media immediately reached the consensus that those same disastrous “wildfires” alleged to have destroyed the township of Lahaina on the 8th of August were the result of some sort of well-coordinated directed energy weapon attack. This consensus seemed eerily familiar, when in the wake of September 11, 2001, “experts” began insisting the WTC towers and adjacent Building #7 were brought down with similar weapons. But as has been demonstrated on this site, the destruction of WTC and Building #7 were traditional controlled demolitions sold to the public as “terror” attacks. The “planes” which the MSM reported had been “hijacked” then struck the WTC towers were computer generated, added into the MSM news footage during post-production with video morphing/compositing/CGI augmentation techniques.

In this regard, it turns out, the recent “wildfire” event in Lahaina and September 11, 2001, have much in common.

Nevertheless, as usual, one couldn’t help but notice, those who dared utter an opinion in the wake of the “wildfires” which deviated even slightly with the predominating consensus regurgitated either by the MSM or “alternative” media were roundly denounced as heretics then summarily burned at the stake.

One expects the reaction to the following conclusions published in this article will prove comparatively hostile.

So be it.

Whichever premise one is more likely to lend predominate credence, it became clear that neither the MSM nor the “alternative” media bothered to investigate or identify the genuine perpetrators or to investigate their possible motives. Had they done so, they would have discovered that Hawaii, or more specifically, Hawaii County, has been an active member of I.C.L.E.I (International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives) since 2013, an NGO (Non-Government Organization) connected to the UN and it’s seventeen “sustainability” goals which, due to the alleged “threat” of “climate change”, involves the global establishment of “smart” cities or human resource habitats. Nor – to the best of one’s knowledge – has anyone among either the MSM or “alternative” media yet bothered to cite the role played by tech billionaire and Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, who, according to Wikipedia and other mainstream sources, is the principal owner of Hawaii’s island of Lanai, which is part of Maui County where the “wildfires” were alleged to have wreaked havoc and mass devastation.

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Oracle – a Jesuit/CIA controlled corporate entity – is involved in advancing the rapid development, deployment of cloud computing, the type of technology that is sure to play a major role in the establishment of the UN’s digital surveillance/communications “smart” grid, both globally and in Hawaii. As for Oracle co-founder/CEO “Larry Ellison”, deeper investigation demonstrated he is not who the MSM claims him to be.

Rather, “Larry Ellison” has proved to be another media generated fabricated character scheme, a front for the Jesuit controlled CIA intelligence apparatus/military/industrial complex, portrayed by a familiar Hollywood actor who not only played a prominent role in executing the OJ Simpson trial simulation, but, as well, has connections to a “dead” Australian rock star.

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Infamous Hollywood Liars Busted

Infamous Hollywood Liars Busted

The MSM wants to ensure that “official” narratives concerning certain high-profile news events cannot be questioned. They want to ensure that the general public is convinced that questioning, or even addressing these certain news narratives in any manner which deviates from the “official” consensus is socially unacceptable.

Perhaps even criminal.

Such extreme measures indicate that MSM news executives have reached an acute state of desperation over their dwindling influence with the American general public.

But since the MSM isn’t interested in the pursuit of journalism, one of their recent responses to this degenerative state of affairs was choosing to concoct another news event – a deliberately staged trial simulation – with the intention of promulgating malicious propaganda. The star of this show was CIA controlled opposition “alternative” media icon “Alex Jones”. Reportedly, Jones was found guilty of defamation charges and subsequently fined a substantial monetary sum for having questioned the “official” MSM narrative of the “shooting” alleged to have taken place at Sandy Hook Elementary back in 2012.

But one shouldn’t waste needless pity for “Alex Jones”.

While having been identified as a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a well-hidden European noble, “Jones” (AKA Prince Gustav of Sayn Wittgenstein Berleburg) was merely acting out his scripted role as part of a well-planned but transparently ill-conceived psychological operation. Which means “Alex Jones”, while working at the behest of his CIA/Jesuit intelligence masters, and even while appearing to be put under legal oath, knew he could never tell the public the truth about his fellow Jesuit controlled Hollywood intelligence operatives, about the experienced Hollywood actors/directors who were cast in major roles – “Gene Rosen”, “Doctor H. Wayne Carver II” – to help execute the mass casualty simulation event/psychological operation staged at Sandy Hook Elementary over one decade ago.

Below: Gene Rosen, Doctor H. Wayne Carver



SEE: Bankman-Fried Trial Judge Royal Impostor

Nancy Pelosi Gets Nailed Once Again

While the Hollywood actor/director identified in portrayal of Sandy Hook’s “Gene Rosen” is comparatively less well known to the public, the identity of the host actor cast in portrayal of “Doctor H. Wayne Carver” is certainly better recognized. As everyone shall soon observe, the latter Hollywood actor/director also portrays climate change guru “Al Gore” and former CDC (Center for Disease Control) director “Doctor Robert Redfield”.



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