Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale

Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale

The making of media myths oftentimes consists of a specific brand of storytelling.

Generally, the brand of narratives in which the MSM specializes – especially those meant for maximum exposure, saturation – have oftentimes been found to be modernized retellings of ancient Greek or Roman myths. In particular, such was found to be the case with the Titan submarine disaster alleged to have occurred back in June of 2023.

As most may recall, one’s investigation into the alleged demise of the Titan submersible and its five crew members demonstrated that the story presented to the public by the MSM not only possessed masonic symbolism, a human interest narrative element recycled from the Titanic hoax, and plot holes larger than a jet airline hangar, but that one of the alleged “victims” – Suleman Dawood – was a photo shopped/raked image of a young Hollywood actor – Jack Champion – associated with esteemed Hollywood director James Cameron who, it also turns out, is the live-action role player behind the portrayal of NASA JPL “rock and roll rocket scientist” Adam Steltzner.

SEE: MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

What better way could exist, therefore, to further solidify a modern retelling of an ancient occult myth in the collective consciousness of the general public, than to also cast one of Hollywood’s most iconic actors – one who was once known as the “late” Michael C. Rockefeller – in a starring role as one of the heroic “victims”?

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Continue reading “Hamish Harding’s Titanic Hollywood Tale”

MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep

Mainstream news stories aren’t meant to inform the public. Rather, they are a psychologically penetrative form of oftentimes insidious, sometimes even sinister deception. While appearing to be benignly informative, the genuine but concealed intention is to ruinously propagandize its intended, targeted audience.

When efficiently performed on a mass scale, the effects of propaganda can be all encompassing, seizing the general public in the grip of auto hypnosis, an unrelenting, even strangulating grasp from which they aren’t meant to escape. That is, until the MSM decides to broadcast yet another irresistibly melodramatic human-interest narrative intended to redirect the malleable public’s collective and abbreviated attention span.

The recent Ocean Gate/Titan submarine disaster in which five persons were alleged to have perished presents an instructive metaphor, demonstrating that if one is not aware of propaganda’s manipulations to which they are subjected, they are certain to be submerged beneath the waves, deluged under all manner of psychological manipulations, coercions, then immersed, drowned in the murky depths of deception’s vast ocean.

And yet, with the emergence of this particular news story, into the deepest abyss is precisely where the MSM’s faltering credibility has plummeted.

Somehow, quite predictably, when highly esteemed Hollywood director/executive producer James Cameron soon entered the frame in the wake of the Titan submarine’s “disaster”, it was then one became quite certain the MSM harbored an ulterior agenda. First, to execute an occult/masonic ritual and, secondarily, to create a perverse justification to cynically hoist Cameron into the public’s eye because a sequel to Avatar, the Way of Water is slated to be released later this year in time enough for what Hollywood’s executives surely anticipate being a most profitable Christmas season.

Turns out, not only is James Cameron one of Hollywood’s most accomplished and creatively brilliant film directors, but, with connections to NASA, he is also a master of deception, and, as everyone shall soon observe, no stranger to the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation. Continue reading “MSM Sinks Beneath the Deep”

Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed

Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed

Though alleged to be one of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs, Blue Origin chief and former president and CEO of Amazon “Jeff Bezos” is not at all who the MSM claims him to be.

He exists – in much the same manner of “Jeffery Epstein” (AKA Barack Obama/Jerry Seinfeld) – as nothing more than a media generated image.

SEE: Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show

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In fact, to be more precise, “Jeff Bezos” is an impostor, a Hollywood derived actor in disguise, the hidden son of yet another renowned Hollywood actor, the “late” Burt Reynolds (AKA Marlon Brando/Doctor Phil McGraw/Dabney Coleman), who, in turn, is the son of Hollywood actor Rod Steiger (AKA Raymond Burr/Howard Cosell/Lou Abbott/Mikhail Gorbachev/Milton Friedman).

Reynolds, everyone will surely recall, was also identified as the live-action role player behind the portrayal of Russian Premiere “Vladimir Putin”. Bezos hidden grandfather – Rod Steiger – meanwhile, was identified as the live-action role player behind former Russian premiere “Mikhail Gorbachev”.

NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

The hidden mother of the Hollywood actor identified in portrayal of “Jeff Bezos” is Lonnie Anderson (AKA Sally Field), a Hollywood actress who is also no stranger to the concept of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

While making ocular comparisons between the pair of images featured below, everyone will eventually determine – due to identical geometrical symmetry of the teeth, lips, chins, noses, cheekbones, brows, and lower epidermal portions of the ears – that “Lonnie Anderson” is a fabricated character scheme modified – with blonde hair dye and strategically placed makeup applications – from Hollywood actress Sally Fiield.

Both Hollywood actresses were, of course, joined in matrimony with Burt Reynolds (AKA Marlon Brando/Vladimir Putin).


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But there’s much more to this story.

Because both the public persona and “official” biographical narrative associated with “Jeff Bezos” was fabricated by CIA in cooperation with the US military/industrial complex, specifically, the US Department of Defense, of which NASA and United States Space Force are subdivisions.

Not coincidentally, both organizations – NASA and USSF – are also chief investors of Blue Origin, Bezos’s private aerospace venture.

Continue reading “Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed”

NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

The historical veracity attached to the “official” story of “Yuri Gagarin” – uniformly alleged by the MSM and published historical accounts to have been the first human in space – crumbles under greater scrutiny.

Reportedly, before the historic launch of NASA’s Apollo 11, Gagarin died under what can only be described as mysterious circumstances.

There was a very good reason, however, as to why the pioneering Russian cosmonaut’s “death” was kept shrouded in such mystery and intrigue by the MSM.

Turns out, upon further investigation – as confirmed via extensive ear biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses – “Yuri Gagarin”, pronounced as tragically “dead” before Apollo’s maiden but mythical voyage, was resurrected in 1969 as one of NASA’s Apollo 11 “astronauts”, and became the first human alleged to have stepped on the surface of the moon.

Below L to R: Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong

As to the genuine identity of the other pair of NASA’s Apollo 11 “astronauts” alleged to have been launched into space in 1969, further investigation confirms, “Buzz Aldrin” and “Michael Collins” were both fabricated character schemes portrayed by Hollywood actors.

The Hollywood actor identified in portrayal of the former – “Buzz Aldrin” – had previously worked with Stanley Kubrick, one of Hollywood’s most highly touted cinema directors.

While acting under different but renowned pseudonyms, the Hollywood actor identified in portrayal of arguably the least heralded of NASA’s Apollo 11 “astronauts” – “Michael Collins” – went on to star with Dennis Hopper (AKA JFK) in Easy Rider and to star with Burt Reynolds (AKA Marlon Brando/television doctor Phil McGraw/television actor Dabney Coleman/Vladimir Putin) in Deliverance.

As was pointed out in a previously published article, “Doctor Phil McGraw” is also the hidden father of popular internet personality/podcaster Del Bigtree (AKA Quentin Anderson Reynolds/John Wayne Bobbitt/Doctor Drew Pinsky/Kevin Spacey/Jeff Bezos).

SEE: Del’s Big Tree Bears Rotten Fruit

Below from L to R: Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins

As everyone shall soon learn, “Buzz Aldrin” and his NASA colleague “Michael Collins” never left earth in 1969. Their interplanetary communications, which the MSM alleges were sent from the Apollo space craft on the moon to NASA’s mission control, including the famous words spoken by “Neil Armstrong” in a solemn tone of overwrought melodrama – “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” – were prerecorded for what was essentially a prime-time television production, the equivalent of 21st century “reality” television.

Though still unknown to a majority of the American public, NASA operates under the umbrella of the US Department of Defense and is nothing more than a Hollywood-styled movie/television production studio disguised as an organization dedicated to astronomical study and scientific discovery.

Since the time of its inception and for its entire duration, Hollywood has covertly operated as a purveying agent of US corporate government propaganda, and has always worked in proximity with the US military/industrial complex and performed at the dictatorial behest of Jesuit controlled CIA.

Therefore, the genuine nature of NASA is synonymous with that of Hollywood, with both operating as propaganda arms and subsidiary divisions of the US Department of Defense.

Continue reading “NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets”

Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor

Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor

There is a passage in the document Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars which states, “The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the level of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial handicap, even bright lower-class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life.”

This is the very idea, both inconceivable and dreadful, the unspoken truth deeply buried, an unextractable hook which barbs the collective subconscious. But to persist, to survive, the masses must shrink at all costs from this terrible haunting specter lurking just beneath the conscious mind’s eggshell surface, ignore the albatross of their invisible but binding chains.

From time to time, though this bane of modern life, this persistent thorn may resolve to prick the largely apathetic public’s conscience, the proletariat, whom are considered by the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families as nothing more than human capital/commercial resources farmed for taxes derived from their labor energy, must somehow endeavor to endure, salving nagging pain with pretended smiles, too fearful to ever consider they are merely disposable bonded property branded with a number, no better than livestock to be bought and sold in the marketplace, resigned to owning nothing while feigning happiness.

Little do most American citizens realize, everything written in the American public school history texts regarding the nation’s founding and the true nature of its founders, most of whom were esquires (AKA attorneys) sworn to the Crown Temple in the City of London, is a deliberate and manifest lie.

SEE: How Crown Temple Rules America (part I)

How Crown Temple rules America (part II)

How Crown Temple rules America (part III)

How Crown Temple Rules America (Part IV)

Under United States Code title 28 3002 (a) (b) (c), the United States (AKA Washington D.C./Virginia Company) is a corporation. According to Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438,520, citizens cannot legally use the US constitution to defend themselves in a court of Admiralty Law because, in addition, according to Barron v. Mayor and City of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243, the term “People” does not specifically apply to US citizens.

Due to the Act of 1871, (Forty-First Congress, Section 34, Session III, Chapters 61 and 62) a separate form of government was created for the District of Columbia, a ten-mile parcel of land governed with Admiralty Law administered by the Crown Temple in the City of London (AKA one square mile) meaning, only the private law merchant representatives inhabiting it were considered a legal party to the US constitution.

Long before this, however, the Virginia Company was established as a joint stock venture in 1604 during the reign of King James I, who was also the company’s majority stockholder.

Under the Virginia Charter of April 10, 1606, the legal terms and conditions of which are still in effect today, the Virginia Company owned most of the land now known as the United States of America. The terms and conditions of the Virginia Charter stipulated that the Company, the majority stockholders of which are the thirteen Jesuit families including the British royal House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (AKA Windsor/Hanover/Rockefeller/Rothschild), had rights to fifty percent of all gold and silver mined from the lands, significant percentages of other minerals and raw materials, as well as more than five percent of other future joint stock ventures.

The terms and conditions of the Virginia Charter also stipulated that the lands owned by Virginia Company were to be granted to the colonies under a deed of Trust (AKA on lease). Therefore, though the deed holders could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use, they could never own it through Allodial title, which, according to senate document 43 73rd congress 1st session, is retained by the British Crown.

To-this-day, all taxes, duties, fees, penalties, and imposts paid on commercial trading activities in the colonies are paid directly to the British crown through the crown treasurer. The British crown and Britain, meanwhile, are owned by the Vatican (Treaty of 1213) controlled by the Jesuit order and its Superior General (AKA Black Pope).

Believe it or not, the most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania, known as the keystone state. As documented previously, the United States Supreme Court has proved to be filled with fabricated character schemes, including Justice Antonin Scalia (AKA Hollywood actor George Clooney) and Ruth Bader Ginsberg (AKA Candace Bergen).

The pope, according to Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54, can abolish any law in the United States. Furthermore, according to Bened. XIV De Syn. Dioec, lib ix., c. VII, N. 4 Prati, 1844 (Syllabus prop 28,29,44), the pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone.

According to the Vatican controlled IRS and its publication numbered 6209, the 1040 tax form is a tribute paid to Britian and, furthermore, according to Tillman v. Roberts 108 so. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, senate document 43 & 73rd congress second session, Wynehamer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 278, 481, Americans are slave to the queen and own nothing. Queen Elizabeth II (AKA Lucille Ball) has control over and has amended social security (SI 1997 No. 1778) which, according to Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548, is neither an insurance, a contract, or a Trust Fund.

When Americans give their consent to acquire a social security number, in legal terms, they have surrendered their sovereignty and agreed to become franchises of the United States corporation (AKA the Virginia Company of the British Crown) and, according to Executive Order 13037, human capital represented by a bond (AKA birth certificate). According to Executive Order 12803, bonded human capital, along with roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons, and airports, etc. etc., can be commercially sold and traded.

To put it another way, Americans are commercial livestock managed by the Vatican controlled IRS which oversees the flocks, while the US corporation (AKA District of Columbia/Virginia Company) takes care of the herd grazing the plantation owned by the British Crown and governed by the Rule of Admiralty Law administered by the Crown Temple in the City of London and its Four Courts of Inn and the centralized banking policies of the SNB (Swiss National Banking system which includes the subsidiary Federal Reserve). The Pope and the Vatican controlled by the Jesuit order, meanwhile, according to ancient Roman Law – the derivation of which emanates from ancient Babylon – holds absolute legal dominion over the plantation and the human and natural resources contained therein in all odium.

Some decades ago, in an effort to keep the masses distracted from ever thinking about withdrawing their consent from such a wretched status quo, NASA, the glorified Hollywood movie production studio disguised as a body of astronomical scientific discovery, was created.

Recently, according to nasa.gov, Florida senator and former Space Shuttle “astronaut” Bill Nelson was sworn in as the 14th NASA administrator, “tasked with carrying out the Biden-Harris administration’s vision for the agency.”

SEE: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/nasa-administrator-bill-nelson/

Below: Senator Bill Nelson

Though many may not be familiar with either Senator “Bill Nelson” or his former career as a NASA “astronaut”, assuredly, you may have seen his face before, when he was better known by other more famous identities such as Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner and pop singer Pat Boone. 

But that’s not all.

As everyone shall soon discover, “Ron Desantis”, the current “elected” governor of Florida, the sunshine state, is also an imposter, a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a popular podcaster.

Continue reading “Florida’s Playboy Senator & Impostor Governor”

Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax

Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax

More than two decades later, the Bruce Ivins’ Anthrax Attack of 2001 has mostly receded from America’s collective memory.

Nevertheless, the results culminating from a deeper investigation into this MSM generated hoax serve as a lynchpin connecting the “terrorism” events of September 11, 2001, the Iraq war, and the Covid-19 “pandemic” psychological operation.

According to the “official” narrative as recounted by Wikipedia, “The 2001 anthrax attacks involved the mailing of several letters proclaiming, ‘Death to America’…’Death to Israel’…’Allah is Great’, and contaminated with anthrax, to the offices of U.S. Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, as well to the offices of ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, the New York Post, and the National Enquirer.”

After initially focusing its subsequent investigation on Steven Hatfill, a physician, pathologist, and biological weapons expert as a chief suspect, in 2006, the FBI exonerated Hatfill and began targeting Bruce Edward Ivins, an American microbiologist, vaccinologist, and senior biodefense researcher employed at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, a subdivision of Frederick National Laboratory of Cancer Research located at Fort Detrick in Maryland near both the headquarters of CIA and NIH (National Institute of Health) which includes the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases associated with Doctor Anthony Fauci (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen).

SEE: Meet the Actor Playing Television Doctor

A Familiar Face with an Unfamiliar Name

Bernie Made Off But Still Alive

In 2008, after two years of suffering investigative harassment at the hands of the FBI, the MSM alleged that Bruce Edward Ivins committed suicide.

However, ear biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses have demonstrated there’s just one problem with the MSM’s “official” story regarding the “suicide” of the FBI’s chief suspect in the anthrax attacks of 2001: Namely, “Bruce Edward Ivins” is still alive and is now known by another name, that which belongs to a famous retired NASA astronaut – Chris Hadfield.

Below: Bruce Edward Ivins, Chris Hadfield

Hatfill – Hadfield?

Regarding the name “Bruce Edward Ivins”, gematria analyses indicates some predictably telltale results. When respectively calculated in English Ordinal and Full Reduction, “Bruce Edward Ivins” equals 177 and 78, both of which reduce to the number of 6. When respectively calculated in Reverse Ordinal and Reverse Full Reduction, “Bruce Edward Ivins” equals 255 and 102, both ciphers of which reduce to 3. When these reduction ciphers are totaled, they equal 3 6’s or 666. More remarkably, in English Ordinal, the surname of “Ivins” sums to 73 or 3 7’s, Alistair Crowley’s intelligence joker code.

Since 1995, Frederick National Laboratory of Cancer Research at Fort Detrick where “Bruce Edward Ivins” was employed has been operated by SAIC, a private corporation. Later on, SAIC would become Leidos, a biomedical facility which, in addition to merging with Lockheed Martin in 2016, would enter into an official partnership with NIH, the National Institute of Health.

Since its inception in 1969, the entirety of SAIC’s chronicled history is riddled with a bevy of controversies and audacious criminality. In its single-mindedly avaricious pursuit of government contracts worth billions, SAIC (AKA Leidos) not only propagated the lie of “weapons of mass destruction” prior to America’s war in Iraq, it also staged the anthrax attack hoax which starred “Bruce Edward Ivins” (AKA NASA astronaut Chris Hadfield).

Continue reading “Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax”

Space Case Snake in the Grass

Space Case Snake in the Grass

As Chairman of the Planetary Society, Neil DeGrasse Tyson has assumed the mantle of public science communicator which, over two decades ago, was left vacated by the death of the legendary Carl Sagan.

Perhaps, it is better to say, like his mentor, Sagan, Tyson is renowned for his ability to make the esoteric sciences appear palatable and even comprehensible to the American public.

Since the beginning of his career in the science community during the era of the 1990’s, Tyson has made several high-profile television appearances, most notably as the host of PBS’s Nova Science Now. Tyson has also been the author of several books and articles on the subject of astrophysics and, in 2001, was appointed by President George W. Bush (AKA Brian Williams/Joe Biden/Prince Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi of Monaco) to serve on the Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace industry and, in 2004, served on the President’s Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy. 

SEE: The Resurrection of a Chameleon Prince

But when the “science” career of “Neil deGrasse Tyson” is examined much more closely, it becomes quite evident, the great majority of Tyson’s career has been devoted to either the hosting of slickly produced television programs or as an appointee to vaguely entitled government panels created as promotional vehicles for NASA, a taxpayer funded organization, which, in turn, falls under the rubric of the US corporate government’s Department of Defense. 

Examination of Tyson’s “doctoral thesis” reveals a gumbo of inspirational pop-astronomy and theorized assertions created to appear authoritatively plausible.     

Turns out, upon deeper and more extensive investigation, “Neil Degrasse Tyson” has closer ties to Hollywood’s entertainment industry than science or academia. Continue reading “Space Case Snake in the Grass”

The Man Who Sold the World

The Man Who Sold the World

What follows is a story about a man – an abdicated European royal and also one of Hollywood’s biggest stars during the era of the 20th century – who sold out the world to a terrifying future.

For several decades, while this man danced and sang on Hollywood’s silver screen, charming his way into America’s hearts and minds, those same admirers remained blissfully unaware of his hidden identity, the clues to which are subtly hidden in the biographical details of the various fabricated character schemes he famously portrayed.

One of the most blatant clues of this famous Hollywood entertainer’s hidden identity as a European royal stares us in the face from the frames of the following pair of images.

Leopold III of Belgium:

Bing Crosby:

While everyone is performing their ocular comparisons between the previous sets of images and, perhaps, begins to wholly perceive the obvious similarities of facial geometry and the identical epidermal contours of the ears, consider also the lyrical content of a once popular song – ‘The Man Who Sold the World” – from the 1970’s, one which was both recorded and performed by one of Leopold III’s (AKA Bing Crosby) most famous relatives – David Bowie AKA Grand Duke (the thin white duke) Henri of Luxembourg.

The Man Who Sold the World:

We passed upon the stair

We spoke of was and when

He said I was his friend

Which came as a surprise

I spoke into his eyes

I thought you died alone

A long long time ago

Oh no, not me

We never lost control

You’re face to face

With the man who sold the world!

Though, upon first glance, those set of song lyrics may seem rather cryptic, nevertheless, if one knows what to look for, a key word contained within the song’s very first line – ‘stair’ – gives away the identity of yet another famous character scheme portrayed by one of Leopold’s royal relatives, Prince Louis of Bourbon-Parma (AKA Fred Astaire/Walt Disney/Al Jolson).

Both the royal host actors identified in portrayal of the Hollywood fabricated character schemes known as “Bing Crosby” and “Fred Astaire” (AKA Walt Disney/Al Jolson), it turns out, are genealogically related to the singer, David Bowie (AKA Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg), of this particular song, ‘The Man Who Sold the World’.

SEE: Doc Kildare Promotes Kill Shot Propaganda

SEE also: US government goes wacko in Waco

Prince Louis of Bourbon Parma:



Walt Disney


Fred Astaire:

Walt Disney 

Al Jolson:


Moreover, the line, “I thought you died alone”, when considered within an “official” biographical and historical context, serves as a particularly telling clue about one of the 20th century’s most infamous fabricated character schemes – Adolf Hitler – whom, as confirmed by facial recognition, ear biometric, and image comparison analysis, was portrayed by Bing Crosby (AKA Leopold III of Belgium).

Consider also, the implication of the reply given by the “Man Who Sold the World”: “Oh no, not me, WE NEVER LOST CONTROL!”

The performer of this song, David Bowie (AKA Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg), a royal relation of both Leopold III (AKA Bing Crosby/Adolf Hitler) and Fred Astaire (AKA Prince Louis of Bourbon Parma/Walt Disney/Al Jolson) is allowing you, the listener, to become privy to a conversation which subtly reveals the hidden identities of two of his royal family relations.

David Bowie (AKA Grand Duke Henri) is also attempting to relate a historical truth which contradicts the “official” documented record regarding the alleged ill-fate of Adolf Hitler (AKA Leopold III/”Bing Crosby”).

In essence, the singer is relating that, though his royal family relation – Leopold III (AKA Bing Crosby/Adolf Hitler) – was historically rumored, at the close of WWII, to have died alone in a bunker after suicided by a poison cyanide pill, he, in fact, lived on to sing about a ‘White Christmas’, a traditional seasonal standard with which everyone is undoubtedly still familiar.


Not only that, the singer is imparting a trenchant message, addressed to both his enquirer and to the audience: Our royal family – numbered among the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families and majority owners of the global military/industrial/media/entertainment complex – are still in complete control of the entire world and, in fact, own all of the world’s human and natural resources, a control which we shall never relinquish.

As everyone will soon observe, there are subtle but distinct synchronicities and parallels concerning the comparative details which are contained in the “official” biographical narratives of each fabricated character scheme – “Bing Crosby”, “Adolf Hitler” – relating to the European royal identified as their live-action role player, Leopold the III of Belgium.

But, when one knows what to comparatively look for, each of these narrative details, when held up to comparative and objective scrutiny, suddenly transform into surefire giveaway clues; signposts and billboards on the road to the truth.

Continue reading “The Man Who Sold the World”

A Message from ‘Aliens’ in UFO’s!

A Message from ‘Aliens’ in UFO’s!

The thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families – in addition to the merciless execution of their Covid-19 psychological operation – have now decided to further gaslight the general public with news of an impending visit from “Unidentified Flying Objects”.

“The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are here, humanity is not ready yet,” claims former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed.

Perhaps, the alleged occupants of “The Unidentified Flying Objects” have yet to realize that, indeed, when it comes to the business of show business, any publicity is good publicity.

Upon reading that quote – taken from an article recently published in the Jerusalem Post – one wonders just how ‘Haim’ would know that?

Turns out, upon further investigation, ‘Haim Eshed’ (die ashamed unscrambled) is a media-fabricated character scheme, portrayed by a British royal and a member of the royal House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Not only that, but, according to Wikipedia, Eshed’s host actor “is the longest-serving Grand Master of UGLE (United Grand Lodge of England), the governing body of Freemasonry in England and Wales.”

Continue reading “A Message from ‘Aliens’ in UFO’s!”