Homeland Insecurity Directed by Hollywood

Homeland Insecurity Directed by Hollywood

Behind the facade, the lie contained in every media image, a deeper, darker truth remains hidden. Many of the personalities presented by the MSM and even the “alternative” media to the general public, especially regarding those occupying high-profile government positions, are not at all who they appear or claim to be.

Alejandro Mayorkas, current director of Homeland Security, which is merely a public relations front for CIA and the Jesuit Society of Jesus’s international intelligence octopus, claims to be the offspring of Cuban immigrants who escaped oppressive tyranny and came to the US for a better life. Mayorkas’s official biography reflects an all-too-familiar template which, through deeper investigation, has been observed time and again. This particular biographical template – of the Horatio Alger variety – not only smacks of propaganda, reflecting the shopworn and tattered myth of the “American Dream”, but of one belonging to and carefully crafted for a media generated fabricated character scheme portrayed by a well-known Hollywood actor.

This particular Hollywood actor – Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed – is a serial perpetrator of Post-Modern Reality Simulation and has also been identified as the live-action role player in portrayal of, yet another high-profile MSM promoted figure, former Amazon chief “Jeff Bezos”, whose own official biography nearly mirrors that of the current but embattled Homeland Security director “Alejandro Mayorkas”. A telltale sign that the narrative of Bezos’s biography may have been merely tweaked or customized by Jesuit-controlled CIA intelligence handlers to fit certain storyline specifications designed for “Alejandro Mayorkas”.

“Mayorkas” is a Jesuit-trained intelligence asset, educated at Loyola Marymount University, a private research institution located in Playa Vista, California which was named after the legendary mercenary warrior reputed to have been the founder of the military-styled Jesuit order in control of Vatican City at Rome.

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Nancy Pelosi Gets Nailed Once Again

Nancy Pelosi Gets Nailed Once Again

Just when you think there could be limits to a politician’s deceitful treachery, one is reminded no such defining boundaries exist for Washington’s insufferable cretins.

It appears – before “Paul Pelosi” (AKA Roger Vadim) became embroiled in an MSM-manufactured “hammer attack” scenario – U.S. House Speaker “Nancy Pelosi” (AKA Jane Fonda/Dolly Parton/Princess Lee Bouvier Kennedy Radziwill) had been acting as a Jesuit-trained CIA psychological operations specialist for far longer than previously imagined.

SEE: Pelosi Case Hammered Wide Open

Turns out, when it comes to considering the phenomenon of Post-Modern Reality Simulation, “Nancy Pelosi” (AKA Princess Lee Bouvier Kennedy Radziwill) – going back as far as the 1960’s “counter-culture” era while acting under the Hollywood pseudonym “Jane Fonda” – is a veteran perpetrator.

Further and extensive investigation has revealed that, even more recently, back in 2012, “Nancy Pelosi” was cast in not just one of the starring roles associated with the Sandy Hook Elementary “massacre”, a heavily promoted MSM-driven gun control psychological operation, but – believe it not – two.

Not only that, but one of Jane Fonda’s Hollywood colleagues played a role in that same psychological operation – as observed in the video excerpt posted immediately below – cast as “Sally Cox,” Sandy Hook Elementary’s “school nurse”.

While watching the video, everyone will notice, “Sally Cox” is being interviewed by George Stephanopoulos (AKA Hollywood actor Michael J. Fox/Bryan Adams).

Below from L to R: George Stephanopoulos, Michael J. Fox, Bryan Adams

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SEE: Michael J. is sly like the Fox

Facial recognition and image comparison analysis indicates “Sally Cox” was an MSM-created fabricated character scheme portrayed by Hollywood actress Glenn Close. In the second set of images posted below, everyone will begin to notice the conspicuously identical geometrical structures of the eyes, jawlines, chins, lips, and noses. The architectural, structural geometry of the respective cheekbones are also identical.

Below from L to R: Glenn Close, Sally Cox

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But as everyone shall soon observe, it was U.S. House Speaker “Nancy Pelosi” who, while cast in the same psychological operation at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut under a pseudonym with occult significance, was subsequently and uniformly depicted by the MSM as a “brave” heroine”. 

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Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed

Bezos Bunk Now Completely Exposed

Though alleged to be one of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs, Blue Origin chief and former president and CEO of Amazon “Jeff Bezos” is not at all who the MSM claims him to be.

He exists – in much the same manner of “Jeffery Epstein” (AKA Barack Obama/Jerry Seinfeld) – as nothing more than a media generated image.

SEE: Curtain Draws on Nina Jankowicz Show

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In fact, to be more precise, “Jeff Bezos” is an impostor, a Hollywood derived actor in disguise, the hidden son of yet another renowned Hollywood actor, the “late” Burt Reynolds (AKA Marlon Brando/Doctor Phil McGraw/Dabney Coleman), who, in turn, is the son of Hollywood actor Rod Steiger (AKA Raymond Burr/Howard Cosell/Lou Abbott/Mikhail Gorbachev/Milton Friedman).

Reynolds, everyone will surely recall, was also identified as the live-action role player behind the portrayal of Russian Premiere “Vladimir Putin”. Bezos hidden grandfather – Rod Steiger – meanwhile, was identified as the live-action role player behind former Russian premiere “Mikhail Gorbachev”.

NASA’s Fake Hollywood Space Cadets

The hidden mother of the Hollywood actor identified in portrayal of “Jeff Bezos” is Lonnie Anderson (AKA Sally Field), a Hollywood actress who is also no stranger to the concept of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

While making ocular comparisons between the pair of images featured below, everyone will eventually determine – due to identical geometrical symmetry of the teeth, lips, chins, noses, cheekbones, brows, and lower epidermal portions of the ears – that “Lonnie Anderson” is a fabricated character scheme modified – with blonde hair dye and strategically placed makeup applications – from Hollywood actress Sally Fiield.

Both Hollywood actresses were, of course, joined in matrimony with Burt Reynolds (AKA Marlon Brando/Vladimir Putin).


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But there’s much more to this story.

Because both the public persona and “official” biographical narrative associated with “Jeff Bezos” was fabricated by CIA in cooperation with the US military/industrial complex, specifically, the US Department of Defense, of which NASA and United States Space Force are subdivisions.

Not coincidentally, both organizations – NASA and USSF – are also chief investors of Blue Origin, Bezos’s private aerospace venture.

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Steve Bannon’s Transparent Political Theater

Steve Bannon’s Transparent Political Theater

The primary job of the MSM is to help maintain the global hegemony of their masters – the thirteen Jesuit families – over the proletariat or the great unwashed masses.

Routinely, the success of the MSM’s psychological operations relies on two primary elements: strategically targeted mob coercion and psychological manipulation at the hands of fabricated but influential cults of personality.

In terms of the latter, cults of personality don’t get much more influential among the demographic they’re targeted towards or, for that matter, more animatedly colorful than Stephen Bannon.

After all, the degree of public influence exerted by such fabricated character schemes is often directly proportional to the skill of the actor portraying them.

Turns out, in the case of “Steve Bannon”, deeper investigation reveals the man behind the mask of his public characterization is portrayed by a highly skilled and veteran Hollywood actor, a hidden intelligence asset of the Jesuit controlled CIA and one well-familiar to the American general public.

How do we know for certain “Steve Bannon” is an intelligence asset and psychological operations specialist?

Because, for one, the CIA/Jesuit-trained cubicle ridden desk jockeys composing the “official” biographies which appear at Wikipedia have admitted as much.

In fact, not only does Wikipedia admit “Steve Bannon” once sat on the board of directors at Cambridge Analytica, a company which used psychological profile targeting – “the practice of extracting people’s psychological profiles from their digital footprints (e.g. their Facebook Likes, Tweets or credit card records) in order to influence their attitudes, emotions or behaviors through psychologically informed interventions at scale,” informs Wikipedia – to influence and ultimately control the direction of public discourse and political perception and opinion, but, Wikipedia also informs, the Hollywood actor identified as his host actor (live-action role player) is “a member of the Council on Foreign Relations”, a Jesuit-controlled think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international relations.

SEE: The real purpose of social media

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Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax

Bruce Ivins & Anthrax Attack Hoax

More than two decades later, the Bruce Ivins’ Anthrax Attack of 2001 has mostly receded from America’s collective memory.

Nevertheless, the results culminating from a deeper investigation into this MSM generated hoax serve as a lynchpin connecting the “terrorism” events of September 11, 2001, the Iraq war, and the Covid-19 “pandemic” psychological operation.

According to the “official” narrative as recounted by Wikipedia, “The 2001 anthrax attacks involved the mailing of several letters proclaiming, ‘Death to America’…’Death to Israel’…’Allah is Great’, and contaminated with anthrax, to the offices of U.S. Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, as well to the offices of ABC News, CBS News, NBC news, the New York Post, and the National Enquirer.”

After initially focusing its subsequent investigation on Steven Hatfill, a physician, pathologist, and biological weapons expert as a chief suspect, in 2006, the FBI exonerated Hatfill and began targeting Bruce Edward Ivins, an American microbiologist, vaccinologist, and senior biodefense researcher employed at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, a subdivision of Frederick National Laboratory of Cancer Research located at Fort Detrick in Maryland near both the headquarters of CIA and NIH (National Institute of Health) which includes the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases associated with Doctor Anthony Fauci (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen).

SEE: Meet the Actor Playing Television Doctor

A Familiar Face with an Unfamiliar Name

Bernie Made Off But Still Alive

In 2008, after two years of suffering investigative harassment at the hands of the FBI, the MSM alleged that Bruce Edward Ivins committed suicide.

However, ear biometric, facial recognition, and image comparison analyses have demonstrated there’s just one problem with the MSM’s “official” story regarding the “suicide” of the FBI’s chief suspect in the anthrax attacks of 2001: Namely, “Bruce Edward Ivins” is still alive and is now known by another name, that which belongs to a famous retired NASA astronaut – Chris Hadfield.

Below: Bruce Edward Ivins, Chris Hadfield

Hatfill – Hadfield?

Regarding the name “Bruce Edward Ivins”, gematria analyses indicates some predictably telltale results. When respectively calculated in English Ordinal and Full Reduction, “Bruce Edward Ivins” equals 177 and 78, both of which reduce to the number of 6. When respectively calculated in Reverse Ordinal and Reverse Full Reduction, “Bruce Edward Ivins” equals 255 and 102, both ciphers of which reduce to 3. When these reduction ciphers are totaled, they equal 3 6’s or 666. More remarkably, in English Ordinal, the surname of “Ivins” sums to 73 or 3 7’s, Alistair Crowley’s intelligence joker code.

Since 1995, Frederick National Laboratory of Cancer Research at Fort Detrick where “Bruce Edward Ivins” was employed has been operated by SAIC, a private corporation. Later on, SAIC would become Leidos, a biomedical facility which, in addition to merging with Lockheed Martin in 2016, would enter into an official partnership with NIH, the National Institute of Health.

Since its inception in 1969, the entirety of SAIC’s chronicled history is riddled with a bevy of controversies and audacious criminality. In its single-mindedly avaricious pursuit of government contracts worth billions, SAIC (AKA Leidos) not only propagated the lie of “weapons of mass destruction” prior to America’s war in Iraq, it also staged the anthrax attack hoax which starred “Bruce Edward Ivins” (AKA NASA astronaut Chris Hadfield).

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Hidden Lie Behind David Icke’s Truth

Hidden Lie Behind David Icke’s Truth

Turns out, “David Icke” is not just a famous “conspiracy theorist”, he is also a master purveyor and perpetrator of the phenomenon those who frequent this site have come to know as Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

Back in November of 2021, Twitter executives announced that the account belonging to alternative media kingpin David Icke had been indefinitely if not permanently banned from their social media platform for promulgating what was termed “Covid misinformation”.

SEE: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54804240

Then again, it seems, anyone daring to espouse or endeavoring to express a perspective on the COVID-19 “pandemic” which counters or deviates, even slightly, from the established line of insufferable MSM propaganda has been summarily banished from other social media platforms and their posts tagged with the dreadfully identical but rather abstractly vague label.

After all, it has become rather socially unfashionable, perhaps even socially unacceptable, to think for oneself and, amid the prevailing totalitarian social and political climate, no one wants to be considered unfashionable, do they?

With the exception, of course, of those who frequently visit this site, right?

In an article published at bbc.com (AKA MI7), according to a Twitter “spokesman”, “The account referenced {belonging to David Icke} has been permanently suspended for violating Twitter’s rules regarding Covid misinformation.” The article at bbc.com went on to report, perhaps somewhat confusingly, “Twitter’s rules do not include a general ban on misinformation,” but added the caveat, “it would not allow any tweets about Covid-19 that were ‘claims of fact, demonstrably false or misleading, and likely to cause harm’.”

Now who would want to “cause harm” due to free thinking?

Say it isn’t so!

Unmistakably, however, though “David Icke” may wish to pose himself as a martyr for the “truth”, his posturing for sainted martyrdom should never be construed as heroic.

In fact, an extensive investigation has identified “David Icke” as yet another fabricated character scheme portrayed by a host actor (live-action role player) belonging to a family – royal House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (AKA Windsor/Hanover/Rothschild/Rockefeller) – whose genealogical lineage not only extends back to Charlamagne I, the first emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but one which, perhaps more than any other family numbered among the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, wholly understands the dramatic effect of heroic martyrdom upon the public and, as well, the commercially profitable utility of staging grand psychological operations.


Turns out, a renowned former American presidential first lady, the mother of the host actor identified in portrayal of the premiere alternative media figure known as “David Icke” was a key participant in one of the most transformative but fabricated historical events of the 20th century, one which, to-this-day, is still speculatively and popularly bandied about.

Continue reading “Hidden Lie Behind David Icke’s Truth”

Frankie Died and Went to Hollywood

Frankie Died and Went to Hollywood

It could be argued that, during the brief span of his entertainment career during the late 1950’s, Franklin Joseph Lymon – better known as the “late” “Frankie Lymon” – became the American music industry’s first popular performer to garner what came to be termed crossover demographic appeal.

During the era of the late 1950’s, Lymon and his doo-wop vocal group the Teenagers enjoyed a meteoric rise to the heights of stardom.

But alas, after a string of hits, including what came to be known as the group’s signature song, “Why Do Fools Fall in Love”, both Lymon and the Teenagers duration in the limelight was remarkably short lived.

Though, official biographies inform, “Frankie Lymon” (Lie-Man/masonic play-on-words) attempted to forge a comeback before his tragic “death” from a heroin overdose in 1968 at the age of 25 on February 27 (37’s or 777, Alistair Crowley’s intelligence joker code), he would never again attain the heights of popularity he once enjoyed.

Or did he indeed?

Additionally, both the “official” and alleged DOB and DOD listed for “Frankie Lymon” are mirrored with the number of 33 (highest degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry). 



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Stunningly, not only did “Frankie Lymon” endure to once again reach the heights of stardom while operating under several famous pseudonyms, he was modified into a well-known Hollywood actor – observed in the succession of images displayed above – who was also educated at Fordham University, a prestigious institution of higher learning established by the Jesuit order.

As well, ironically, “Frankie Lymon” (AKA Hollywood actor Denzel Washington) was also modified into a fabricated character scheme named “Freeway Rick Ross” who became known as one of Los Angeles’s most notorious narcotics traffickers.

Franklin Joseph Lymon (AKA Hollywood actor Denzel Washington) was also modified into the “artist” known as Jean-Michael Basquiat who was also associated with Andy Warhol (AKA former president John F. Kennedy/Hollywood actor Dennis Hopper, rock singer Roger Daltry).

Still later, “Frankie Lymon” (AKA Denzel Washington/”Freeway” Rick Ross, Jean-Michael Bisquiat) was modified into a famous music industry figure, a rapper – “Jay-Z”/Sean Carter – who, according to official biographies, began his life in the streets of New York as – wait for it folks – a drug dealer.     

Continue reading “Frankie Died and Went to Hollywood”

Corruption Allegations Unmask Royal Princess

Corruption Allegations Unmask Royal Princess

Those belonging to the monopoly criminal cartel of the thirteen ruling elite Jesuit families just can’t help but leave glaring clues of their malfeasances at the scene of the crime.

One often wonders, could this be due to sheer arrogance, an overwhelming sense of infallibility, perhaps even inscrutability?

Or do they grossly underestimate the perceptive abilities of the general public?

Either way, on this occasion, the perpetrator has been well caught.

Though the true identity of former New South Wales Premiere “Gladys Berejiklian” was most likely thought to be well-hidden, under further scrutiny, a glaring similarity – in the form of a conspicuous epidermal landmark – between the fabricated character scheme and the live-action role player was discovered. Regarding the pair of images posted immediately below, everyone will notice they have both been subjected to degrees of photo shop, particularly in the case of the image to everyone’s left which features the former Premiere of New South Wales, “Gladys Berejiklian”.

The former Premiere of New South Wales – “Gladys Berejiklian” – recently resigned her post due to charges of alleged corruption.

Be that as it may, the former Premiere’s live-action role player is now most likely comfortably ensconced in her royal castle, remaining comfortably insulated from further scrutiny. Alas, under prevailing Admiralty Law, a fabricated character scheme acting under the cover of a pseudonym – someone who doesn’t legally exist as a corporation or person – cannot be held legally accountable for any alleged criminalities. 

But there is one more thing of which everyone can be certain.

Though, in future, the fabricated character scheme known to the public as “Gladys Berejiklian” may indeed be brought forth to dutifully play her role in a formally executed legal hearing – merely some well-scripted piece of staged masonic theater – the live-action role player identified in portrayal of the former Premiere of New South Wales – a British royal and daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and the late Prince Phillip Mountbatten – has remained inconspicuous from the public’s view.

That is, until now. Continue reading “Corruption Allegations Unmask Royal Princess”

DeWine Offers Bribe of One Million?

DeWine Offers Bribe of One Million?

In what would appear to be an unprecedented political maneuver, the governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, has made an offer of one million dollars – along with free college tuition and other commercially-oriented perquisites – to incentivize Ohioans, especially those perceived to harbor what has been termed “vaccine hesitancy”, into willingly accepting the “coronavirus vaccine”.

One supposes, DeWine – or, rather, his masters belonging to the highest echelons of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuit order – is counting on the fact the residents of Ohio are too obtuse to have figured out that, according to page 1051 of the AMA (American Medical Association) Encyclopedia (1989 edition), the term “coronavirus” is synonymous with what was formerly known as the common cold or flu.

Indeed, Don Corleone, the fictional but ruthless mob boss of Hollywood’s ‘the Godfather’, would be proud to learn of DeWine’s clever strategy in offering the citizens of his state what was, no doubt beforehand, perceived as ‘an offer they can’t refuse’.

From all that we have learned, thus far, about the genuine motivations behind the Jesuit-executed Covid-19 psychological operation, DeWine’s proposal smacks of an exercise in cynicism, if not utter desperation.

Turns out, too, however, like Don Corleone, “Mike DeWine”, the reigning governor of Ohio, exists as a fictional character, a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a Hollywood actor.

Everyone should look very closely at the image posted below.

Has everyone seen this guy somewhere before?

Does he, at all, appear familiar?

Mike DeWine

To everyone, especially those who spent their formative years during the era of the 1980’s, the Governor of Ohio, known to the American public as “Mike DeWine”, should, indeed, appear familiar.

Immediately below, everyone shall observe a video excerpt from a popular movie of the 1980’s.

Somebody, though, should speak up and tell the high school teacher, featured in the following video clip, taking classroom role call that the location of “Bueller” has been discovered.

The Hollywood actor who was once cast in the role of “Bueller” has now been busted, caught out as the host actor (live-action role player) in portrayal of Ohio Governor “Mike DeWine”.

Continue reading “DeWine Offers Bribe of One Million?”