Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?

Certain individuals have a knack for remaining clandestine while simultaneously keeping a somewhat conspicuous public profile. A paradoxical scenario to be sure. To those among the general public, however, someone with the capability to execute such a deceptive trick would be considered tantamount to a magician. And yet again, such a feat may not too difficult for one in possession of great wealth, enough to gain some modicum of influential or even controlling interest in the MSM.

In addition, when one’s son is the ubiquitous cult of personality known as “Elon Musk”, chief executive of both Tesla, Space X and chief proprietor of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, it may be that much easier, after faking one’s death, for a “dead” man to conceal one’s genuine identity with an appropriated pseudonym attached to an alternate persona. If successful at employing such deceptive tactics, one could conceivably hide among the public arena while operating in plain view.


But why make the hypothesis that the man pictured in the image posted above may be “dead”?

Because it turns out that, upon more extensive investigation, “Errol Musk”, alleged to be the father of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) is a British royal in disguise, one who was recently alleged to have “died”. Though there isn’t much biographical information available on “Errol”, enough information remains extant to provide possible clues as to his true identity.

1.) Online biographies reveal that Errol’s mother was British, 2.) There exists a rather well-circulated, but dubious MSM promoted narrative which appears derived from a discarded B grade Hollywood action/thriller script treatment, the reported details of which allege “Errol Musk” fended off an attack from a gang of gun toting home invaders at his plush residence in South Africa.

Suspiciously, this particular widely circulated story is not only ridden with gematria coding, but the veracity of its narrative details – like most if not all such stories promoted by the MSM – crumble to utter dust under the weight of even the slightest scrutiny.

For example, despite being outnumbered and outgunned, this MSM promoted story claims that not only did “Errol” heroically emerge intact and alive, but he managed to gun down three of the seven alleged home invaders.

Continue reading “Errol Musk: ‘Dead’ Man Resurrected?”

Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’

Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’

After a two-year hiatus, the infamous Bilderberg Group recently reconvened in Washington D. C. between the 2nd and 5th of June. According to Bilderberg’s official web page, King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson/Sir Richard Branson/Chris Hansen), Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, US Deputy Treasury Secretary and former BlackRock executive Adeyemo Adewale, and perhaps not surprisingly, Henry Kissinger (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen/Doctor Anthony Fauci) was in attendance.

Not unexpectedly, given the controversy surrounding their penchant for covert behavior, Bilderberg’s home page at couches the nature of their annual meetings in the most general if not ambiguous terms: “Since its inaugural meeting in 1954, the annual Bilderberg Meeting has been a forum for informal discussions to foster dialogue between Europe and North America.”

Over the years, despite such similarly bland reassurances, Bilderberg’s dark shroud of secrecy and its insistence upon garrisons of heavily armed guards has only served to invite greater suspicion regarding their hidden agenda.

The MSM, which until recently and only in passing admitted with reluctance such an annual meeting even exists, predictably preferred to remain mum about this year’s stellar gathering of global luminaries right in the very backyard of America’s capital.

Apparently, instead, the sycophantic MSM decided to fawn over the jubilee celebration of Queen Elizabeth II (AKA Lucille Ball), thinking that was more paramount.

While there is more to be reported about US Deputy Treasury Secretary and former BlackRock executive Adeyemo Adewale, his connections to infamous Wall Street trader Larry Fink, to SES (Senior Executive Services) and British based contractor Serco, to a digital algorithmic platform dubbed Aladdin, and, as well, about “Henry Kissinger” (AKA Hollywood executive David Geffen), King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson, billionaire philanthropist Sir Richard Branson, MSM news presenter Chris Hansen) the hidden brother of “Elon Musk” (AKA Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands) and how all of these influential and powerful public figures fit into the larger scenario concerning the global implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and the “Internet of Things”, deeper investigation has also revealed that, like “Justin Trudeau” (AKA Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey), Canada’s former finance minister and current Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland is not who she claims to be.

Below: Canadian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland

SEE: Behind the Curtain of Boris’s Big Top

Canadian Convoy Smells Like Royal Musk

Kissinger: Master of Geopolitical Disaster

But would it also surprise everyone to discover there is something amiss concerning “Big Jim Tucker”, the late and legendary independent investigator associated with Info Wars’ “Alex Jones” (AKA Prince Gustav of Sayn Wittgenstein-Berleberg) who, decades ago during the era of the mid-1970’s while employed by independently published Spotlight Magazine, was solely credited with breaking the news of the existence of the Bilderberg Meetings to the world-at-large?

SEE: Mad Max the Duke of Doom

Turns out, there is a good reason as to why “Big Jim Tucker” would have been privy to the secret location of Bilderberg’s annual meetings and about the nefarious nature of their secret but far-reaching agendas.

Upon further investigation, “Big Jim Tucker” was a fabricated character scheme portrayed by a Hollywood actor who was once cast in the role of US president.

Below from L to R: ‘Big’ Jim Tucker and former US president Lyndon Baines Johnson

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Continue reading “Bilderberg Returns to ‘Build Back Better’”

MSM Stages April Fool’s Hoax

MSM Stages April Fool’s Hoax

While Americans were thoroughly distracted by the recent Academy Awards spectacle involving Will Smith (AKA Tyler Perry/Neil DeGrasse Tyson), other more significant events quietly transpired.

SEE: Oscars Humanitarian forgets Hollywoods Homeless

Space Case Snake in the Grass

Nevertheless, through the occult language of symbolism and predictive programming, the distractive event which occurred at the Academy Awards served as a message to those possessing the wherewithal to peer through the MSM’s veil of Post-Modern Reality Simulation.

It is now clear, in retrospect, the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families were winding up to assault the American public with the execution of yet another emotionally-driven trauma-based psychological operation involving one of their most loyal and useful servants/Agents Provocateur, a comedian/Hollywood television actor who not only once posed as a US president in “blackface”, but further investigation has revealed, he has now assumed the pivotal role of yet another fabricated character scheme, posing as the “elected” mayor of Sacramento, California under the pseudonym of “Darrell Steinberg”.

While the attentions of Americans and most of the world-at-large were redirected and subsequently consumed with the insipid theatrics taking place at the Academy Awards, delegates of the World Government Summit, scheduled for the 29th and 30th of March 2022 in Dubai, were helping to decide the future direction of humanity.

According to their official website, these delegates of WGS discussed themes such as “Building Cities of the Future (AKA human habitats or “smart” cities), ‘smart’ infrastructure, energy production and consumption, transportation systems, waste management, and citizens’ engagement as partners in driving change.”


Of course, everyone who frequents this site recognizes such themes as synonymous with those included in the seventeen “Sustainability Goals” of the UN’s Agenda 2030/2050 and, in America, the US corporate government is well-aware, ensuring the American population is thoroughly disarmed would serve to smoothly facilitate its complete implementation.

In the US, for several decades, the state of California has served as a living laboratory for the implementation of the UN’s Agenda 2030.

Now, not surprisingly, subsequent to Sacramento’s “gun control” psychological operation, which was recently executed in the downtown region of California’s capital city during the early morning hours of April 2nd, lawmakers at the state house have proposed the quick passage of draconian laws, in addition to those already proposed by California governor Gavin Newsom (AKA Hollywood actor Matt Lattanzi/Ron Goldman).


Dead Man Governing Golden State?
Continue reading “MSM Stages April Fool’s Hoax”

Canadian Convoy Smells Like Royal Musk

Canadian Convoy Smells Like Royal Musk

The thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families like nothing better than to use the MSM as a tool to effect low-vibrational emotional and psychological manipulations. The perverse way in which the MSM has framed the most recent developments – involving PM Justin Trudeau – in the Canadian trucking convoy protest exists as a prime example.


Though, undoubtedly, there are those among the convoy of Canadian truckers and protest participants whose motives are genuine in standing opposed to the genocidal “vaccination” mandates of the Trudeau administration, as past investigations have uncovered, such large-scale protest operations which are also heavily promoted by the MSM harbor covert objectives, are oftentimes both directed and organized by hidden controlled opposition agents, and disguise the profit motives of those among the billionaire class of so-called entrepreneurs.

What covert objective(s) could there be to staging a convoy consisting of Canandian truckers and what are the identities of the hidden organizers and billionaire beneficiaries?

The short answer to the first part of the preceding hypothetical question is to help further provoke and to accelerate the economic collapse of the West and to bring the “sustainability” objectives of the UN’s Agenda 2030 (AKA “Build Back Better”/666) to fruition more rapidly.

How so?

The staging of a massive convoy of Canadian truckers brings to bear the emergence of more divisive political chaos, what will be perceived by the general public and promoted by the political class as a formidable crisis with the potential to create widespread starvation, economic deprivation, and psychological desperation, the solutions for which will be perceived as beyond the scope of the Canadian government, an unmanageable crisis – as it is sure to be predictably labeled by scores of blow dried teleprompter reading MSM pundits – which can only be solved by intervening international collectivism.

This impending crisis, of course, will solely benefit those among the thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families, namely, speaking of con men, those such as “Elon Musk” who has been identified as a media-generated fabricated character scheme portrayed by a European royal, the princely brother of King Wilhelm-Alexander of the Netherlands (AKA British PM Boris Johnson/Sir Richard Branson/MSM/NBC news anchor Chris Hansen).

SEE: Behind the Curtain of Boris’s Big Top

And what of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, the WEF’s golden child shaped, molded, manufactured, and prominently placed onto the world’s stage by the hand of none other than Klaus Schwab (AKA King Harald V of Norway)?

SEE: Greta, Klaus & Hilde the Royal Schwabs

Turns out, though his host actor (live-action role player) was misidentified in a previous article, when the mask of “Justin Trudeau” is more carefully peeled back, we shall discover the famous face of someone who, in America, is known as an award-winning Hollywood actor. 

download (1)[4950]matthew-mcconaughey[4956]

Though there are other hidden players involved behind the scenes of the Canadian convoy/protest – more about which will be revealed shortly – it is “Elon Musk”, his company Tesla, and his hidden royal family who also stand to benefit the most from the deliberate creation of economic chaos in the West. Continue reading “Canadian Convoy Smells Like Royal Musk”

Welcome to Humanity’s Nightmare Future

Welcome to Humanity’s Nightmare Future

The thirteen, ruling elite Jesuit families have mapped out the future of humanity.

In the near future, with technological advances in artificial intelligence and robotics –  technologies which are being used to construct the “smart” cities of the 21st century – vast numbers of human resources, from both the middle and working classes, will no longer be required to maintain sufficient levels of profitable industrial and economic production.

For those who still think such a notion should be classified as “conspiracy theory”, below, everyone will find three links leading to documentation which verifies the construction of this global technocratic 5G/60ghz smart grid and its effects upon the human nervous system.

While perusing the information provided at the first link, take especial note, the text refers to Specific Absorption Rates (SARS), a term which was synonymously utilized by the MSM in an earlier iteration of the Covid-19 “pandemic”.




This global economic transformation is being  hidden by the Covid-19 psychological operation and covertly carried out under the umbrella of the United Nation’s Agenda 2030.

As can be expected, one of the most instrumental figures marching humanity towards its nightmare future is a royal genealogical relation of the thirteen families.

This European royal’s family, for decades, has been associated with the Bilderberg Group, the annual meeting of global financiers, business tycoons, and Silicon Valley giants.

Now, it turns out, this royal – one of Europe’s reigning monarchs – has also partnered with the royal family of Saudi Arabia and has actively lobbied for the creation of what is being touted as the world’s largest “smart” city, called NEOM.

Not only has this particular royal – a king of the Netherlands – starred as an American mainstream media and alternative media personality, but yet another family relation – a Dutch prince who is rarely seen in public – is also starring in the guise of Space X’s Elon Musk.

But for the majority of the working and middle class populations in the West and in America, the implementation of Agenda 2030 – rather than in the direction of a shining global Utopia – is designed to lead them into widespread unemployment, poverty, starvation, and, eventually, even mass genocide.

The latter scenario is what no one will dare address, particularly public officials – those numbered among the ever plentiful throngs of useful dupes – at the state, municipal, and local levels, here in America.

These “officials”, however, are nothing more than cowardly masonic puppets; script reading bureaucratic sociopaths best classified as an enfeebled class of mediocrity, all of whom, are deluded into thinking they belong to the elected or those who’ve been ‘illuminated’.

By the time they realize the shocking truth of their own pathetic predicaments – when they’re lined up against a wall facing a military firing squad to be collectively eliminated – it shall be too late.

Certainly, there are many who shall interpret this particular installment’s introduction as rather ominous.

Nevertheless, can there be nothing more exhilarating than facing one’s fears? Continue reading “Welcome to Humanity’s Nightmare Future”

Is CNN’s Brian Stelter A Royal Jester?

Is CNN’s Brian Stelter A Royal Jester?

Whether employed by ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, RT or in this case CNN, corporate television’s teleprompter reading spell casters are often not who they claim to be.

Their genuine identities – like those of politicians, celebrities, and Hollywood personalities – are hidden behind carefully chosen pseudonyms.

CNN’s Brain Stelter happens to be no exception.

In truth, CNN’s popular news personality is not who he claims.

In fact, beneath Stelter’s layered disguises, consisting of CGI masking and latex stippling, lies a familiar host actor belonging to European royal genealogy.

In fact, the hidden family of CNN’s news personality Brain Stelter has figured prominently in past investigations, a clear indication that the royal families of Europe are not only heavily invested in fully consolidating their global order of corporate-feudalist affairs, but have actively employed the services of various family members posed as Hollywood celebrities, and entertainment and media personalities to ensure their ultimate success.

Regarding the host actor of CNN’s Stelter, not only does he have a genealogical connection to one of Western Europe’s most ancient royal family bloodlines, but to Space X and their CGI created space opera fantasies. Continue reading “Is CNN’s Brian Stelter A Royal Jester?”

Should America buy what Elon is selling?(Part III)

In a world drowning in lies the saving grace of truth has been deemed “hate speech.”

There can no longer be any doubt you are living in a fabricated reality created by insecure narcissists and reinforced with the lethal club of psychological warfare repeatedly bludgeoning the masses into submissive docility.

The irony of this scenario is that the so-called ruling elite are more afraid than ever of what the masses may do if ever a great percentage became aware of the true nature of their illusion of power.

In truth, they are weak and pathetic – and they know it. Think about it folks, if those perceived as so-called authorities were telling the truth, would they need armies, police, guns and bombs to enforce it?

And remember, the perceived power of the ruling elite wouldn’t exist if the masses weren’t so willing to give away the power to rule over their own destiny.

Believe it or not folks, the actor based reality is not the only secret harbored by the ruling elite Jesuit families. In fact, the proverbial rabbit hole in this Wonderland of Oz sold to the masses through corporate owned mainstream media outlets as “reality” goes much deeper.

But for now, before one begins to address that dilemma, there is the issue of America’s “next level genius” Elon Musk (Elo=the biblical Elohim found in Genesis/EM=33, most supreme degree bestowed by Scottish Rite Freemasonry).

It is most probable the alleged host actor(s) hidden behind the CGI mask of Elon Musk are one of the most powerful men in Hollywood, and a royal European Prince. As one shall soon observe, the former was closely related to the career development of music industry superstar Lady Gaga, portrayed by Princess Beatrice, the Duchess of York (See: Unholy trinity: Sex, drugs, and rock and roll (Part IV) Continue reading “Should America buy what Elon is selling?(Part III)”

Should America buy what Elon is selling? (Part 1)

Would you buy a car from a man named Elon?

Admittedly, not even Henry Ford could have envisioned Elon Musk’s latest PR stunt. With the current stock price of Musk’s Tesla company in the midst of yet another embarrassing nosedive, Elon Musk – the 21st century P.T. Barnum – apparently decided the only way he could bolster the plummeting confidence of investors rather than going back to the unforgiving bond market was to pull a stunt of cosmic proportions. With the help of Chroma Key and CGI, Musk and Space X have made it appear as if the Tesla car has been literally launched into outer space.

Not surprisingly, America and the world believes it!

Well, everyone except the discerning and loyal readers of, that is.

Although one has published a series of installments on America’s hallowed space agency, NASA, one has left well enough alone when it comes to its so-called competition: private ‘space exploration’ company Space X and its heralded cult leader Elon Musk. However, with the latest ‘space adventure’ marketed by Musk and Space X, one felt compelled to finally attempt a probing examination.

Whether or not there exist those invariably worshiping at the altar of America’s latest heralded entrepreneur who shall no doubt dismiss the following findings out of hand, one’s preliminary probe into the dubious business model of Elon Musk’s electric powered Tesla automobile enterprise proved to be quite revealing.

Not only does there exist evidence of stock price fixing and market rigging, but also circumstantial and perhaps empirical evidence there may be significant collusion between Musk’s Tesla Motors, and the US government.

After observing the supporting evidence, loyal readers will no doubt wonder why the SEC has turned a blind eye to what appears to be deliberate and felonious criminality. Could it be, the Security and Exchange Commission is in on the game being played with Tesla, and could be colluding with the alleged criminal parties?

The following expose shall attempt to probe what appears to be a criminal syndicate operating in plain public sight, and with the implicit blessing of the US government in speculative collusion with an alleged private company and its heralded guru, Elon Musk. Continue reading “Should America buy what Elon is selling? (Part 1)”

CGI victim simulations used in NYC hoax

CGI victim simulations used in NYC hoax

Now that a growing percentage of the American population have caught on to the mainstream media’s actor based reality, the elites have decided to wisely change up their game. Sites such as have performed the yeoman duty of informing the public of the simulated nature of mainstream media promoted terror hoaxes.

But the ruling elites, using Google, social media platforms, law enforcement fusion centers, and armies of internet trolls, continue to perform their best in attempting to silence those loudly sounding the alarm of truth.

In a cowardly effort to expunge freedom of speech, these treacherous and pusillanimous puppets of the ruling elite families, while hiding behind their computer monitors under ridiculously transparent pseudonyms, have now stooped to labeling any alternative narrative to mainstream propaganda as ‘fake news’.

Surely, the irony is lost on them.

For, such Orwellian tactics only serve to underscore the deceptively weak political and philosophical position of their elite masters. However, the prevalent nature of CGI in the public presentation of these government sponsored crisis management emergency drills is also indicative of the direction the ruling elites wish for humanity to travel, in that reality is quickly merging with virtual reality, such that soon, the general public will be unable to discern the difference. The implications of this are truly staggering, and stand to distort human perception to unprecedented degrees.  Continue reading “CGI victim simulations used in NYC hoax”